Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Veiled Maniac in a Man

This write up is not meant to offend any living soul. I write to express my views and request the readers to consider the below content as void if affronted.

The Talmud, a central text of Judaism says that Adam was a sex fanatic and Eve ran away from his sexual advances for 130 years, during the missing years of Eve, Adams ejaculation formed the ghouls and demons. Just can’t visualize the enormous number of mischievous spirit that would have been around if ejaculations were not flushed down the toilets. After all men do carry the gene of Adam and not astounded as to why women keep sprinting away from the offspring’s of Adam. Explicitly named in Genesis are three of Adam’s children; Cain, Abel and Seth. The book of Jubilees or the Leptogenesis does states that Eve did labor another eleven, nine sons and two daughters; the question here is why Adam was not given the required projection as the beget.

Having a mistress is not considered a sin as it reflects Lilith as the second lady of Adam who never washed out his ejaculations and labored all the demons on earth, was it a deliberate practice to balance the world with good and evil? Lilith appears as the night demon associated with wind and thought to be the bearer of disease, illness and death in the King James Version of the bible though Lilith was named as Adam’s first wife but there are confusions and debates on this topic as to where our beautiful Eve vanished!!! Who knows our known first lady must have been on a rampage to increase population all through the missing years, can be justified as ‘yet another act for a balanced world’. But men the progeny of God’s first known son is framed as Maniac’s. The show up here is whose genetic material do men carry, Eve’s or Lilith’s?

Can a man be christened a virgin? Well if so, then how can it be proved? May be we could check for stretch marks on his abdomen which will prove that he has fathered a probable child. Virginity is referred to a woman so, does this allow man to go berserk? Creation does have reasoning’s though explanation can be vicious. Let alone and live from all this unanswered theories. Hat’s off to all those men who strictly abide by the rules of nature and for those who claim to be a virgin gentleman. Praise the Lord for not having Lilith’s around or else they would have been by the bedside during the nocturnal emission (commonly known as wet dream) to labor yet another demons and technology would question the gentleman status through a feasible DNA test.

How many times have you heard of a man being raped by a woman, jingles like a joke right? Heard of a man being manhandled? Man can be manhandled by a woman with everlasting hickies and nail marks but never can be forced; if it happens then these gentlemen would passion to make all crucial modifications to be on cloud nine though planted hickies and nail marks would remain as “the battle scars from a female warrior”. When a man makes an advance, it is framed as sexual harassment but when it comes from a woman why do men structure it as ‘Getting Lucky’. Michael Crichton’s “Disclosure” does highlight the possibility of sexual harassment on a man but the fact is how many of these men who ordeal it would actually reveal the inducing act? Oops!! “Ordeal” doesn’t outfit a man though; some words don’t shape into a man’s dictionary of facts.

Leave alone Eve’s disappearance for 130 years and Lilith’s intention, we shall look at the other side of women who were born during the rampage era of Eve and Lilith. Allocate the vital breathing space and allow women to enjoy the nature of being. After all she’s the motherhood of mankind and a divinity of love who is sacred, and man shall give her the benefit of the doubt, for its only women who pace through the intricate phase of pregnancy. The words that optimistically prefix a woman is eternal, someone like Agnese Gonxhe Bojaxhiu known to the world as Mother Teresa, none will run short of words to describe her.

We Men belong to the indispensable category short of a rib and undeclared shall preserve the rank of a Maniac. Hail the man and the so called sons of God. Keep up the great zest and retain yourself as the undisputed king of terror and disgust.


  1. Your posts are extremely well written. Will like to read more.Keep writing.

  2. Hi..

    First i should mention that reading the bible not only turns me away from man, but from God as well.
    Probably i am not interpreting the metaphors right..and the explanations given by the supposedly knowledgeable people only seem even ridiculous.
    I think it is this text that played a central role in turning me an atheist.

    And i dont see why you need to rely on myths to expose man's maniacal character. Arent real incidents that happpen all around you enough?

    Thanks for dropping by my blog..and i must say i am totally blown away by your "about me". Sounds like a paragraph from a GRE textbook....lol

    Keep writing!!

  3. @ Sujata

    Thks for the inspiration..

    @ Gymnast

    I stand here squat of vocab. With a few lines, how a maniac can boom the birth of an atheist?

    Though a slight misunderstanding to be cleared..”Man” being specified in couple of occasions, is it man as humans or r u being specific with man as a male? I would budge if it’s the human race but if it’s the latter, I would like to highlight the demons were born in both forms (man and woman). With due respect I don’t intend to spot on any soul.

    You being blown away..i shall consider that as a compliment..
